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Team Solid: Metal Fuels
Energy & Sustainability
Transport & Automotive
Team info

Team Solid Brinkman

Technische Natuurkunde Bachelor
Member of:
We are searching for team members with the following skills: Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Sustainable Innovation, Industrail Engineering

Team Solid: Metal Fuels

The challenge

A big challenge in the coming decades is the storage, transportation and application of sustainable energy. Solar, wind and other energy sources will create the energy we need when oil won't be around. But the sun doesn't shine at night, and barely at all around the arctic. In the summer there will be more energy than can be used, while in the winter we would like to have that energy. You also can't attach solar panels directly to transportation services, like ships, trains and trucks. That's why the world is going to need new forms of cheap, big scale energy storage.

Current energy storage techniques like batteries and hydrogen all have their limitations. Batteries aren't scalable enough for trucks, ships, trains, factories and neighbourhoods. They're also expensive to build and have a low energy density. Hydrogen is simply very explosive.

The solution

To solve the issue of energy storage, transportation and application we - Team Solid - are working on a principle called "Metal Fuels". Let's take Iron as an example. If iron powder is burned, heat is released and the iron turns into rust (iron oxide) powder. This heat can be used to drive a truck, heat and power a house, run a train or sail a ship. The created rust powder can be captured. Later, using clean electricity from solar or wind energy, the rust can be reduced back to iron powder. This creates a clean carbon-free energy cycle in which iron is used as an energy carrier. We started out as an Honor's project this year, and we are working on building a proof of principle to show the amazing potential that we believe Metal Fuels have. Best of all? We are recruiting new team members. Find this concept cool or want to know more? Be sure to leave a message. Kind regards, Team Solid

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Vera Henricks Mar 22nd 2017 21:16
Comments (3)

Johannes van Melle

24 maart 2017 at 10:51

If you have concrete solutions that enables a realistic and commercially interesting use of these fuels that may be an interesting subject for a patent application

Moniek de Liefde

8 maart 2017 at 14:09

Key point indeed about current sustainable energy sources. What's the energy effiency of the metal fuel, and wouldn't the weight of these fuels be a problem when applied for transportation?

Frank Steeghs (ACE.eu)

8 maart 2017 at 13:32

Interesting idea. I guess a some kind of drawing of the whole cycle will help to understand the system better. I am interested in the efficiency of each step of the cycle to understand if this is an interesting business case.