Joep Sinke
Sjoerd de Nijs
Jop van der Kemp
Bart Mans
The challenges and uncertainties that our team is currently working on: - Is the added value for the student enough to excite them to work with this method - How should the information be structured, organized and filtered - Can this be programmed in a software platform - How complex and smart can we build the platform (what kind of relations can be found) - Exploring the different business models
Existing software has limitations: • Visual zooming and showing relevant information (smart zoom and display function?) • Storing data so it can be used for (data?) analyzing • Limitations for linking information and nodes eMinds wants to develop its own software that builds mindmaps without these limitations. The data generated in the mindmap is stored in a central database. This data can later be used as a personal career tool for the user.
Preparedness of the student: The value for students is tested by means of a pilot at private educational institute. This education institute facilitates a 10 week curriculum that provides students with extensive lecturing, workshops and practical implications. During the first week of march our team provided the basic mapping structure of one week with existing software and a presentation about mindmapping. After one week in practice the reflections from the students seems positive. Students see the added value of the structure and the insight in relations between the subjects the mindmap creates. Also adding notes during lectures seems less time consuming. Referring back at the course material on a daily basis was also positive received by the students. A remark from students is the absence of a search engine within the software. Structuring of information: The Information overload that occurs in the software should be controlled in the new software. The team considers a zoom function that Google Maps offers. Information is presented interpretable on all levels. Furthermore branch information should offer important background on the link that should be used for search engine within the software. The search engine serves as filter. The boundaries of software intelligence: A wide variety of information will be available in the mindmap. Somehow the structure should understand what kind of information is linked on what type of conditions. More information should be gathered here. The business model behind eMinds: Exploring different revenue streams and business models.
Erwin de Jong
14 maart 2017 om 19:44
Interessant concept. Ik ben benieuwd naar wie de eigenaar is van het network. Is dat het individu waarvoor dit is gemaakt? Of kunnen personen die betrokken zijn bij het leerproces ook input leveren?