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Checking an automated system for deadlocks
High Tech Systems & Materials
Team info

John Truong

Electrical engineering Master
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Checking an automated system for deadlocks

The challenge

Verifying,modeling and simulation of a high tech system by using a non-deterministic langauge with a real-valued clocks. A specific constraint is set on the system and then simulated to find the deadlocks

Even in this century there are still many bugs or deadlocks present in high tech systems. This provides another method to further improve a robust system.

The solution

By looking the complex system as a state machine instead of a timed machine, the bugs can be tracked down without the need of reading complex coding system with millions of line codes.

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Comments (1)

Johannes van Melle

24 maart 2017 at 10:57

Difficult to assess the patentability of this idea. I do need some additional information to get a clear picture on what technical problem is solved with what technical measures. However, be aware to maintain confidentiality for now.